Best Practice
The Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention (CBPATSISP) is Australia’s leading voice on Indigenous suicide. The Centre promotes evidence-based suicide prevention practice that empowers individuals, families and communities and respects their culture.

The Working Together Book… Ten years later
Working Together: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health and Wellbeing Principles and Practice is a seminal text in the field of Indigenous mental health and wellbeing in Australia. Download the book and explore resources from its 10th Anniversary celebrations.

The World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conferences
The World Indigenous Suicide Prevention Conferences (WISPC) are a global initiative where representatives of First Nation countries address suicide prevention at an international level. We are proud to be part of this initiative.

Fact Sheet - A First Nations Guide for Truth-Telling about Suicide
This guide supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to talk publicly about suicide in a way that is safe for you, your family and others in the community.

Yarn Up Listen Up Report
A Community Report of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Young People’s Perspectives on Suicide Prevention
Navigating our website
Learn out how to navigate the CBPATSISP website and find the resources you are looking for

Coronial Responses to Suicides of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People: Research Report
This research investigated how Coroners’ Courts respond to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities after losing someone to suicide.

Coronial Responses to Suicides of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People: Report from the Lived Experience Workshop
The Lived Experience Workshop was a central element of the Coronial Responses research.

Featured Program: 13 YARN
13YARN is the first national crisis support line for mob who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping.

Fact sheets
Explore our collection of fact sheets for clear and concise summaries of key findings, recommendations, and outcomes from research, conferences, roundtable consultations, and other inquiries relevant to suicide prevention.
Manual of Resources for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention
The Manual is a collection of practical resources and tools that people, both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous, can use to make a real difference in promoting positive mental health and social emotional wellbeing, and preventing suicide in our communities.
Featured Stories
We’re committed to keeping you informed with the latest stories and publications from CBPATSISP, Our Partners and the Indigenous Mental Health and Wellbeing Sector.
Welcome to the Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention
A series of YouTube videos
The Center for Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander SuicidePrevention (CBPATSISP) proudly supports the establishment of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to the Parliament.
A ground-breaking cultural exchange program which saw six young Indigenous Australians, including three from WA, embark on a transformative journey to Canada has been described as an experience of a lifetime and an invaluable learning opportunity.
Menzies School of Health Research has released their latest newsletter – Stay Strong Newsletter December 2023
The University of Western Australia’s Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention has been named one of 18 finalists in the Community Champion category of the Shaping Australia Awards.
Share Your Program
We invite you to register your best practice program or service with us. By sharing your program or service you may be able to assist others in developing their own programs and services to identify successful approaches, and to learn from your experiences.