aboriginal and torres strait islander peoples

New integrated systems approach to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide prevention announced

Two leading organisations will work together on a new approach to preventing suicides among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, combining proven strategies, to create a powerful blueprint for saving lives.

The Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention (CBPATSISP) at The University of Western Australia will collaborate with Black Dog Institute to develop an integrated systems approach to suicide prevention in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

New integrated systems approach to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide prevention announced Read More »

Professor Pat Dudgeon responds to the Commonwealth Closing the Gap Implementation Plan

Professor Pat Dudgeon responds to the Commonwealth Closing the Gap Implementation 6 August 2021: Professor Pat Dudgeon, Director of the Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention, welcomed the release yesterday of the Commonwealth Closing The Gap Implementation Plan, and its strong focus on suicide prevention. “The unacceptable rate of suicide in our

Professor Pat Dudgeon responds to the Commonwealth Closing the Gap Implementation Plan Read More »

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