Manual of Resources in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention

The Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention (CBPATSISP) is developing the online Manual of Resources in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention.

The Manual will bring together existing and new resources into an integrated toolkit to support Indigenous community members, front-line workers, clinicians and funding organisations in preventing suicide among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The Manual will focus is on short, accessible resources that offer practical guidance about the steps people can take in a wide range of circumstances. It will address all aspects of suicide prevention, from building resilience and wellbeing to crisis response, and will be inclusive of the needs of all Indigenous people.

We invite ideas from across our sector and across Australia about this work.

Please contact Julie Robotham if you would like to be involved.

If you or someone you know needs help or support, you can contact your local Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisation or

  • Lifeline: 131 114
  • Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800
  • Mensline: 1300 78 99 78
  • Beyondblue 1300 22 46 36
  • Q Life 1800 18 45 27,
  • Open Arms Veterans & Families Counselling 1800 01 10 46
  • The National Indigenous Critical Response Service 1800 80 58 01
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